rachedda | she/her | US - PNW

I'm a hobbyist digital artist that specializes in robots, armor, and scifi. I'm also somewhat active in the Destiny 2 fan art community and other misc fandoms.


I'm a hobbyist artist from the pacific northwest who loves to draw and create things. I have some background in 3D art as well and occasionally sculpt stuff too! I work in gamedev and draw in my spare time to stay sane.

Currently I'm just chillin and drawing whatever makes me happy, which is a mix of my characters, others people's characters, and robots.

CSP / Photoshop / Lightroom / zbrush

Gamedev / Photography / Mycology / Animation

Commission info

- Current Commission Status -
Not seeking commission work

In the future I'll update this with actual detailed commission info, but that's a thing for 2022. I've been meaning to reopen them for a while now but I need to finish up current projects and get through the holidays.